Tuesday, October 9, 2012


1201. If you repeat chapters, the ending will never change

1202. Part of me just wants to find the right words to hurt you, the same way you hurt me.

1203. the cruelest thing you ever did, was come around


1205. The way you treat yourself sets the standards for others

1206. she knew the transition was not about becoming someone better, but about finally allowing herself to become who she'd always been

1207. They always come back.
Especially when you've moved on.

1208. Love those who love you when you have nothing to offer but your company.

1209. Sometimes the best revenge is to ignore them and be super happy instead

1210. They say: .."you don't know what you've got til it's gone"
Truth: You knew exactly what you had; you just thought you'd never lose it.

1211. you can never teach a guy to love you the way you wanted to be loved. you have to wait for him to do it in his own way, in his own time, that's the saddest part of being a girl. but you can never teach a girl to love the guy back the way she did before is she already grew tired and waiting to be appreciated and loved the way she deserves to be loved, that's the saddest part of being an insensitive man

1212. She used to say nothing at all and silence to explain everything.

1213. "A writer is a world trapped in a person." - Victor Hugo

1214. Even a good player will someday become a toy of a better player. It's called karma.

1215. I gave up because you never once fought for me

1216. So let's ignore each other, try to pretend the other person doesn't exist, but deep down, we both know it wasn't supposed to end like this.

1217. Nostalgia is a dirty liar that insists things were better than they seemed.

1218. Don't force pieces that don't fit.

1219. Stop asking me to trust you while I'm still coughing up water from the last time you let me drown.

1220. Try not to stress over the shady people who betrayed you.
I know it hurts, but the truth is that they were always shady, they're never going to change, and you're actually better off now because at least you know who they really are.

1221. Would 'sorry' have made any difference?
Does it ever?

It's just a word,
One word against a thousand actions.

1222. Do you want to know what the best revenge is? Happiness.
If someone screwed you over or hurt you, don't go after them. 
Don't try to get them back.
You'll just lower yourself to their level. You're better than that. You can do better without them.
Forget about them and live your life happy, not because someone made you do it, but because you wanted it yourself.



1225. your first mistake was leaving me. 
but your second mistake? giving me the chance to realize I CAN LIVE WITHOUT YOU.

1226. from the start I was always better off without you.

1227. Silence, is the best reply to a fool.

1228. A cheater loses.
He/She may not lose their partner but they lose.
They lose true loyalty.
Because after this there is now something that will take away all they had.
After this, it just takes a little more to lose the person they claim to love.
After this they kill the other person's perfect image of them, and after this they kill what the other thought of love.
They kill the warm and fuzzy that other person felt about their shared love.
Thr cheater taints it forever.
Now know they may still love the cheater but its not the same kind of love anymore.

1229. People don't change, they reveal who they really are.

1230. Stay away from people who make you feel you're hard to love.


1232. I am smiling and it has nothing to do with you anymore.

1233. I deserve better than what you gave me.

1234. You will never regret doing the right thing.

1235. You see a person's true colors when you are no longer beneficial to their life.

1236. Loyalty isn't grey. It's black and white. You're either loyal completely, or not loyal at all. And people have to understand this. You can't be loyal only when it serves you.

1237. A grateful person is rich in contentment.

1238. If you truly love someone, being faithful is easy.

1239. High standards only scare men who have none.

1240. Time discovers truth.



1243. Most men don't know how to deal with a woman who doesn't need anyone to validate her existence.

1244. "God will make a way when there seems to be no way."

1245. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

1246. The truth doesn't change if you ignore it.

1247. "Don't go back to something God has already rescued you from." - Mandy Hale

1248. You should never have to share a person's heart with someone else.

1249. Let go of anything that is toxic to your progression.



Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kowts XXXV

1101. There it goes again. That heavy feeling in your chest when you don't feel any desire to speak or move. All you want to do is close your eyes and sleep. Because the process of being broken is incredibly exhausting. You attempt your best to make your days fulfilling, but no matter how hard you try you can't seem to connect to anyone or anything.

1102. Sometimes you just can't tell someone how you fee. Not just because you don't trust them, and not because you think they will call you a freak, but because you can never really find the words to make them understand. And it makes you frustrated. People take things 100 different ways, and that's why it's so hard. But if what you're trying to say is meant to be said... it will find a way to be understood.