Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kowts XXIV

651. Sometimes it is better to be alone, because you are more assured that no one would hurt you.

652. We spend our lives telling ourselves that everything happens for a reason when in reality; it is just that we give reasons for everything that happen.

653. It's really hard to decide when you're too tired to hold on, but you're too in love to let go

654. I'm not afraid to try again. I'm just afraid of getting hurt for the same reason.

655. I thought a broken heart was the worst feeling possible, but I was wrong.Regrets are sitting right before it.

656. We never really have move on, all you can do is find someone else to think about.

657. Never let go of anyone that you couldn’t go a day without thinking about. There just might be a very good reason why they’re always on your mind. Sometimes it’s the brain that knows too well what the heart tries so hard to deny.

658. And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye. 
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

659. At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet...
-- Plato

660. You cannot love and hold yourself back from its full force. Love is about placing that bet, taking the risk and letting go of fear. Love is dangerous for it will always ask you to jump the chasm with your eyes closed with nothing but to trust to break your fall.

661.  I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care, I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do...I'm sorry I can't help myself, I'm in love with you.

662. Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the only love we keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away.
-- Elbert Hubbard

663. Love is taking a few steps backward (maybe even more) give way to the happiness of the person you love. 

664. laughing isn't something
you do for fun. it is sometimes
a relief when you badly misses
someone. or an instant
escape when you're hurting
...too much.

665. The heart probably has more patience than any other organ in our body. It has the patience to wait for that one person it knows is worth beating for. It even has the patience to wait for something it knows may never even come. But like all things, its patience runs out. And our hearts ...break because other people forget...... that like all things that feel hurt, pain and sadness.. The heart gets tired too...

666. It's hard to determine whether someone really have a feeling for you.. 
or they are just carried away by the good things that you are doing for 
that person.. and you can not tell if they are returning love, or just 
returning the favor...

667. A proof that experience is of no use, is that the end of one love does not prevent us from beginning another.----- Paul Bourget

668. he was the one who said goodbye,
he was the one who looked away,
but i realized,
i never said a word to make him stay

669. Dear Time,
Please go a little slower whenever I’m with him, because I don’t know when that moment will ever happen again in my life.
Hoping for time to be slower whenever with him,

670. Dear Earth,
Could you please do a gravitational pull so strong that he can fall for me?
Hoping for it to happen now,

671. FRIENDS are my secret of having a great and happy life

672. Serious relationship is not something anyone should really be actively looking for. Because sometimes, the best relationships happen by accident.

673. "Relationships--of all kinds--are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You may hold onto some of it, but most will be spilled. A relationship is like that. Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person, it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively, and the relationship slips away and is lost."
-Kaleel Jamison

674. no matter how many times you shout that you are hurt, the pain won't heal if from the start, you don't want to be cured

675. Sometimes giving someone space is just not the best way to make things better, sometimes you have to sort things out before one learns to live with out you

676. How can I choose between the "present" that "makes me remember the past" and the "past" that "reminds me that there IS a present"

677. I'd rather be your friend forever than to be your ex-girlfriend in the future

678. It's easy to raise a white flag. But it's never easy to raise one if you know that it's still worth fighting for

679. I wanna go back in time, and erase all our memories and maybe, just maybe, things would have been better..

680. " I've come to you not to make you love me, but rather to make you realize that your worth loving.."

681. i saw my friends cry and get hurt because of broken relationships. i always told them that being sad about it will do nothing good. its best to move on, be happy and try not to get affected. now, im in that situation. im sad and hurt because of a broken relationship. and i realized that my advice was easier said than done. nothing is more difficult than coping with a love long lost and gone.

682. one can blame me for loving someone in a short span of time.. for just like every girl.. i am longing for someone who can treat me right, someone who can take good care of me.. and someone who can love me for who i am..

683. Sometimes we thought that falling in love is the greatest gift of all.
But sometimes we cannot manage it that we even hurt our feelings.
We even forget our priorities. All we know is about our special someone.
But how about the people who loves us more than your someone loves you.
We should manage everything around us. Not just the people you think
you really value.

684. The worst part about thinking that the person you like doesn't like you back is finding out that you were right.

685. Don’t waste your time worrying about boys. Boys will come and go. Don’t waste your time caring about the people don’t like you. Chances are you don’t like them either. Don’t waste your time worrying if people are talking about people. You affected their lives; they didn’t affect yours. Waste your time with your friends. Live for the moment, laugh often. Be immature, do anything and everything. If it’s something you’ll regret in the morning, sleep late and when you wake up, laugh about it with your friends because your friends are what matter most. When you have your friends, you have everything.

686.  Wounds will not heal if you urgently put band aid on it. Sometimes you just have to let it bleed; give it some space for healing. And when you think your wounds are already cleansed, that’s the time you can use a band aid for it. Remember: The more you cover yourself from pain, the more infected you are.

687. Second chances. Girls take more of them then guys do. Why? I blame Disney, building up these false hopes, making me believe I can have my prince charming. We believe that one day we’re going to be saved, that one day, one boy is going to come & change our whole lives around in the most perfect way. In the movies there`s no ‘other woman’, there`s no deception. 1793. There`s just a happy ending, conditions & circumstances don`t apply. So what are we to do when our hearts get broken? The logical thing to do is move on, of course, but despite all the lying, the cheating, the crushed dreams, & the painful memories, there`s a speck of hope. A little, itty bit piece of our hearts that`s begging for the fairy tale, screaming that we let him try again. So we do. we cry & bite our tongues, hoping that this liar in aluminum foil will finally become our knight in shining armor hoping that this time he`ll be able to make us feel safe, & actually do it. That`s why we break so easily; cause our fairy tale dreams are placed on real life boys. Boys who need to be saved themselves.

689. No school book will ever teach you how to love yourself, no teacher will ever tell you how to heal, & no class can help you learn how to brush yourself off & try again.

690. When we fall in love, we, with all our hearts and souls, want the people we’re in love with to fall in love with us too. We want the feeling to be fair and mutual

700. If you really love a person, you are willing to wait even how long it takes. You are willing to bare all the pain that waits, want to know why? Simply because forever is not a very long time for a person that deeply loves

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