802. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated..
803. If we ever love again, I swear I'd love you right.
804. The things guys say without notice... are the things girls remember the most
805. The worst thing about love is, you can love whoever you want...but so can they.
806. I'm so tired but I can't sleep, standing on the edge of something much to deep. It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word. We are screaming inside but we can't be heard.
807. Isn't hate merely the result of wounded love?
808. I don't think I'll ever be happy. I've narrowed my standards, and raised my expectations. On the outside, you were everything. On the inside, you were even better. & then it hurt. You made each day hurt more than the last. So now I'm scared. I'm terrified I'll never find someone who makes me feel like you did. But most of all, I'm scared that I will never find someone who will live up to the standards you have set. I don't want to miss out on love, just because you didn't know what you had, when you had it.
809. I guess there comes a time when you're sick of trying. You're sick of getting the same response, the same silence and the same feeling. You're not giving up, just moving on.
810. There will always be those awkward moments when you walk by a person and remember everything you had.
811. I have a theory that every time you make an important choice, the part of you left behind continues the other life you could have had
812. You may be the only boy to render me speechless
You may be the only one able to take my breath away
And it may be my own fault that it took me so long to notice
813. I hate it when a guy knows you like him and he abuses the privilege
814. Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can't, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep saying it
815. One day we'll look back on this, laugh nervously and quickly change the subject.
816. It's very difficult to keep the line between the past and the present. You know what I mean? It's awfully difficult.
817. You and I are a story that never gets told.
818. If it is important to you, you will find a way. If it is not, you will find an excuse.
819. And I finally found that life goes on without you... and my world still turns when you're not around.
820. never forget what they did to you and never let them know you remember.
821. i want something to make me feel whole. i want something to make me feel complete. i want a reason to put on my makeup in the morning. I want a reason to set aside 45 minutes to do my hair. want a reason to not wear pajamas all the time. i want a reason to actually care.
822. Now you can say that you always were honest, and your words were clear from the start,
but it’s more than just words that got spoken, there was language of the heart.
823. we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream, and an unforgettable love.
824. sometimes you need a breakdown. one of those yell at everyone, cry until you fall and can't breathe kind of breakdowns.then you feel better, and if you don't at least people will know you're not okay.
825. i love you. i've never tried to pack so much into one phrase in my whole life.
826. you've labelled your whole lifestyle and changed the way that you dress. now take a good look in the mirror and tell me who you're trying to impress.
827. i want to do something that matters with the time i've been given, and i wanna try to touch a few hearts in this life, and leave nothing less then something that says i was here.
828. i'm usually a happy person. but i'm happier with you around. it isn't that i'm not fine on my own, cause i am. it's just that.. you make everything a little better, a little brighter for me. so, i almost feel a little down when you aren't around, or when i don't hear from you. really, i don't need you to be happy. but you add life.
829. "It may have just been a moment to you, but it changed every single one that followed for me."
830. this is the way i see it. good friends offer to help in a crisis. best friends don't take no for an answer.
831. "If we never met again in our lives, I should feel that somehow the whole adventure of existence was justified by my having met you."
832. "You are the distance between the way things are and the way I want them to be."
833. I know we’d both like to forget everything that has happened. We’ve become strangers. Strangers with a past. Lately, I am realizing that I don’t really miss you, I miss the way you made me feel.
834. As long as I still feel something, its not over. And believe me, sometimes I wish it was.
But its not. I can feel it
835. All I want is something real. Someone who understands how I feel. I don't need another broken heart,
I just want a love that won't fall apart.
836. every day that we don't speak, is another day i don't need you. and as i slowly stop missing you, i realize that you weren't that important to me, anyway.
837. You don't know, do you? That in a crowded room, my eyes will always search for you.
838. maybe this is supposed to be the end of us, maybe we are not supposed to reconcile and be friends again. maybe we were here to teach one another a lesson, and once the lesson was taught we were supposed to leave. you taught me love, lust, pain and trust. i taught you to never let anyone take advantage of you. and now maybe, just maybe, this is the end for us.
839. You're a wonderful person. You've got so much to offer someone, & I hope that one day you'll finally meet the person who can make sense of all that pain you're carrying around. You deserve that. In my heart, I know you didn't mean to hurt me. But I can't take the chance of that happening again.
840. Most people are stronger than they know
They just don't believe in themselves
841. you're so good at lying, it could be your degree. then you could minor in messing with me. i give you a thousand reasons why, and you give me the excuse that it's not worth your time.
842. you never promised to stick around, so i dont know why i expected you to
843. here we go again with mixed signals and second thoughts
844. "What if the one that got away come back?"
845. the truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.
846. he’s the king of mixed signals, and i’m the queen of second thoughts

848. you say that im the only one, you say that im your number one. but now you're gone, and i feel numb. tell me, where did we go wrong? you were my best friend and boyfriend, now it seems like you're my worst friend. i gotta do soul searchin, without you i'm a whole different person. i'm not acting like i used to, i don't feel loved like i used to, it was your love i was used to.. why did i have to lose you?
849. you can't change who people are without destroying who they were.
850. Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day
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