Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kowts XXXI

951. One thing I don’t understand is why so many people expect me to be miserable just so they can be happy. I have done that my whole life, doing everything I hate doing just so someone else is satisfied, isn’t it about time that it’s my turn to be happy? 

952. The ‘perfect’ time never arrives. You’re always too young or old or busy or broke or something else. If you constantly fret about timing things perfectly, they’ll never happen.

953. We take our happiness for granted until we hurt ourselves or someone else.

954. Don't keep the past in your mind. Don't stress over the future. Because if you're too worried about what has already happened and what might happen, you can't focus on what's right in front of you. The present is what makes the future and what helps you move on from the past.

955. You wanna know what’s worst than finding out someone lied to you? hearing them lie to you still after you’ve already found out the truth.

956. The thing i love about music is, that it allows you to be whatever you want to be. It’s your escape. Sometimes without even knowing.

957. No matter how many quotes and song lyrics you post up, or however much you write your heart out, sometimes words just can’t describe how you feel. You just have to feel it for yourself and that’s all there is to it.

958. I like a guy who pays attention to the smallest details. It’s cute when a guy knows the little things you like, hate, and small random facts about you. It’s nice if they don’t just pay attention to the big things and actually know you. It’s such a surprise to hear them when they know something about you that you didn’t even know that they knew

959. it’s sweet when a guy realizes he hurt your feelings, so he does everything he possibly can to cheer you back up.

960. After awhile, waiting gets boring. The person you like doesn’t seem so attractive anymore and you realize that you need to stop wasting your time.

961. the real lover is the man who can thrill you by touching your head, or smiling into your eyes, or just staring into space. - Marilyn Monroe

962. people say they lie because they're scared of the truth. but in my opinion, i'd rather know for certain than to live my life on a possibility

963. i can't be with someone who has doubts, no matter how small they are. i need someone who wants to be with me as much as i want to be with them. i don't want just part of your heart, i want all of it

964. the problem with emotions is you can't rely on them. they're not trustworthy. emotions will come and go, and it's easy to make an implusive decision when wrapped in emotion, but you have to have something you can fall back on when there's not any emotion anymore. emotion must become an action for it to stay and this action must become a foundation. and this foundation is love

965. no relationship is perfect, ever. there are some ways you have to bend, to compromise, to give something in order to gain something greater. but the love we have for each other is bigger than those small differences. and that's the key. it's like a big pie chart and the love in a relationship has to be the biggest piece love can make up for a lot

966. you can never prepare for the moment that changes your life

967. i never asked for it to be over. then again, i never asked for it to begin. that's the wait it is with life. some of the most beautiful days come completely by chance, but even the most beautiful days have their sunsets

968. when you stop fighting, you stop living. we all need the thing that's worth fighting for. maybe it's a certain someone or a special place or maybe it's just an idea. so find your fight and fight like hell until you battle is won.

969. i've come to realize that my keys to your heart don't fit

970. let go of what kills you and hold onto what keeps you breathing

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